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Front Line Reports from the US Immigration Zone

by John C. Dale
  • First hand accounts from US tech workers
  • "Legal" immigration and its devasting effects
  • Find out their struggles, court cases, and goals
  • Learn from their experiences
  • Forward by Kevin Lynn

Now Available! Paperback version available to Buy on Amazon.
This is Not a School book cover with a sketch of an old school house

This is Not a School

A nineteen year family education journal.

by John Dale

Explore the projects and curriculum this homeschool family engaged in as part of their family education lifestyle.

From 2017 to the present day a series of major global changes rocked us. Public distrust in major institutions grew while desperate parents sought uniquely American solutions.

In response to obvious tampering with the education system, parents started pulling their children from public school in droves. In the age of the Internet, "home school" student enrollment took off. We live in the time of the open Internet, robotics, automation, and rapid new technology discoveries, but can American education and culture retrofit itself to capitalize on these very real trends? Okay, so maybe the education system and culture are not fundamentally broken, but what could be done better and for less money? In this book, I invite you to explore the answer to that question with me. TLDR; The American public must awaken civically, relearn its history, engage with real world projects, and quickly refine its religious, civic, and moral character.

More info about This is Not a School.

Paperback version available to Buy on Amazon.

Audio version information can be found here.
Who Owns the Forest? A Moose and Friends Book front cover Moose and Friends Series logo with Moose, Fox and Rabbit

Who Owns the Forest?

A Moose and Friends Book

A Dale Family Book Illustrated by Casie Dale

1st book in the Moose and Friends series

In the Moose and Friends series Moose, Rabbit and Fox live in the forest and are friends. They explore a variety of kid friendly educational subjects.

While walking through the forest, Moose wonders, "Who owns the forest?" He decides to ask his friends Fox and Rabbit. Together, the trio stumbles on the foundation of democracy.

Paperback and e-book versions available to Buy on Amazon.

The illustrations were drawn digitaly based on the crocheted stuffed animals created by Casie and Katelyn Dale. If you are interested in purchasing the stuffed animals please contat us.

Upcoming Releases

Moose and Friends Series logo with Moose, Fox and Rabbit

The Next Moose and Friends Book

What will Moose, Fox and Rabbit discover next? Eating healthy, multiplication, loving to learn?

A black dog sitting in the grass with sunglasses

Sci-Fi novel by John C. Dale

In a world where advanced technology is deployed at a breakneck pace before the public has a chance to evaluate the technology for return on investment and safety, society is planting seeds of technocratic systems that will be around long after humanity is finished on Earth. But in the meantime, there will be a decline. What does that look like? Can it be avoided? John Dale explores this issue in only the way he can. Out in 2024, this short novel reminds the reader of some of the great futuristic warnings like Anthem and 1984.

Authors and Illustrators

John Dale sitting on his motorcycle next to the curb in Spearfish, SD

John C. Dale Author Bio

John Dale's breadth of life experience has taken him from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Ulm Germany. He has a gift for story telling in a way that makes the complexities of the real world accessible to everyone. John is avid on two wheels, an accomplished professional musician, and outspoken and fearless critic of the evils of our system and the people who work to perpetuate the human suffering therefrom. A compassionate father and loyal husband, intelligent and good hearted people seek out his work to gain valuable perspective on life, technology, music, politics, and morality.

Casie taking a pictures of herself in a mirror with a SLR camera

Casie Dale Illustrator Bio

Casie Dale was born in Tucson, AZ in 2007. She has been homeschooled her whole life and is skilled in music, singing, art, crochetting, math, comedy and knowing what her older sister is thinking. Using her creative and artistic talents she is a regular county fair 1st place winner. The Congressional App Challenge has been won by Casie three years in a row (the first two years with her older sister, all three years under the direction and tutelage of her dad), and she has attended #HouseOfCode at the U.S. Captiol twice. She currently lives in Spearfish, SD with her amazing and dedicated parents, two sisters, and Butchie their dog.

Katelyn portrait with a blue/purplish background

Katelyn Dale Author Bio

Katelyn is an aspiring author, the reason being, she wants to give back some of the joy she received from reading some of her favorite books. Katelyn has been an avid reader since a young age and now has muliple novels of her own in the works. Her other interests include drawing, coloring, crocheting, line dancing, and Studio Ghibli. Katelyn is currently attending Black Hills State University in her hometown of Spearfish, SD. And of course, she loves her dog.

Other Publications

EVIDENCE red stamp design on book cover


6/11/2020 - 10/4/2021
Some things I wanted to remember, by John Dale

This coffee table style book is a collection of graphs, memes, images, and quotes that mapped the Dale family's journey through the plandemic, election fraud, and clot-shot debacle of the post 2020 era.

A BMXer sitting on his bike jumping high above a low wall towards a street

Pull Your Pants Up!

Finally, a BMX guide for the rest of us.

This book is meant to be a point-in-time snapshot of BMX circa 2011, and gives the reader insight into the culture, history, and structure of BMX.

Kindle version available to Buy on Amazon.