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We are supported by our readers, listeners, and contributors through Value4Value.
Value4Value is a monetization model, a content format, and a way of life. It is about freedom and openness, connection and free speech, sound money and censorship resistance.
Value4Value means that you put in what you get out. The more value you get from our services and products the more value you give. How much is Plains Tribune and its productions worth to you?
Plains Tribune content is offered on a free-to-air basis. We ask that you give a Value4Value contribution in an amount equal to the value you get out of it. Contribute what you can with your Time, Talent and Treasure.
Ways you can return value to Plains Tribune:
- Give your time by sharing our sites, articles, shows, links, and information. Take time to ask us questions and give comments about important issues to you.
- Contribute your talent with your original artwork (prose, music, visual art, writing, video, other). Suggest topics, contribute information and share references on issues you are informed about.
- Support monetarily with a paid subscription or a simple donation. Financial contributions are additive and apply to the subscription levels below.
Value4Value Subscriptions
Note: All donations and subscriptions are paid through our family business and developing trust, Growing Business Solutions, LLC (GBS). Financial contributions are additive and apply to the subscription levels below.
Contribute $50/yr- Entitled to our weekly print edition
Contribute $100/yr- Receive the weekly print edition delivered
- Access and download show materials
Contribute $500/yr- Receive the weekly print edition delivered
- Access and download show materials
- Producer rights (reserved column space subject to terms)
- Producer credit
Payment Methods
Monetary donations and subscriptions can be paid by these methods...

Pay for your subscription or make a donation online with a debit or credit card via PayPal, no account needed. Make a payment online here.

We also accept BitCoin. Pay for your subscription or make a donation using this BitCoin Receiving Address:
Pay in Cash

We accept cash. Do not mail cash, please. Make arrangements to meet us in person for payment.
Mail a Check

We will also except checks and money orders for your subscription or donation made out to Growing Business Solutions, LLC and mailed to 239 W Jackson Blvd Spearfish, SD 57783.