Front Line Reports from the US Immigration Zone
by John C. Dale
- First hand accounts from US tech workers
- "Legal" immigration and its devasting effects
- Find out their struggles, court cases, and goals
- Learn from their experiences
- Forward by Kevin Lynn
Purchase the Paperback

You get to be in the room with President Trump, billion dollar executives, members of the United States Congress, and other fulcrums at the center of the US immigration debate. But the real story does not stop with the power players. Immigration policy affects real people; normal every day hard working men and women making the best of what's left of the American dream. Before you decide what side of the immigration debate you're on, take some time to understand their stories. Read this book.
Now Available!
You can take a look inside and buy the Paperback Version on Amazon.Is your Congressman
Inform Congress about "Legal" Immigration and Work Visas hurting Americans

Buy your Congressman this book to get them IN THE ROOM and give them first-hand reports from the front lines of legal immigration in the US.
U.S. Tech Workers

Interested in interviewing one of the individuals featured in the book?
- Kevin Lynn - Executive Director, Institute for Sound Public Policy & Founder, US Tech Workers
- John Miano - Center for Immigration Studies Fellow, legal expert on foreign labor effecting U.S. technology workers
- Amanda Bartolotta - Veteran, EEO and HR experience, former eBay employee
- Steven Peralta - Veteran, Engineering Technologist, former Intel employee
- John Dale - Technology Entrepreneur and former Pearson employee
Check back for new additions.