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The Cannabis Quality Act of 2026

Nutraceutical means health focused dietary supplements that are derived from food and plants.

Possession of cannabis means possessing cannabis material outside the body.

Cannabis or cannabis means material (stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, derivatives) of the plant species Cannabis sp..

Whereas appropriate growth and consumption of cannabis increases public health due to verifiable nutriceutical properties of cannabis.

Whereas constricted cannabis supply encourages smoking, smoking is the least healthy means of consumption of cannabis, and smoking is an issue in the public interest.

Whereas safer methods of cannabis consumption use larger amounts of cannabis flower.

Whereas first hand verification of growing methods provides the most assurance about cannabis quality to the consumer of the cannabis.

Whereas confirmation of cannabis quality is in the public interest.

Whereas growing in a controlled environment system increases nutritional quality, provides greater physical security, and increases the yield of cannabis.

Whereas cleaner consumable cannabis is in the public health interest.

Whereas government financial barriers to obtaining cannabis unduly reduces consumer choice.

Whereas effective law enforcement on South Dakota streets, roads, and highways is in the public interest.

Accredited South Dakota Universities shall be immune from prosecution for research regarding cannabis effects, best practice growing and harvesting methods, processing, consumption, sales, distribution, and other cannabis related topics in the public interest.

Accredited South Dakota Universities shall seek to lower cost of installation and maintenance of closed environment growing systems on behalf of South Dakota cannabis farmers.

The South Dakota Department of Health shall immediately fund the means to anonymously test cannabis samples on behalf of South Dakota cannabis consumers.

Anonymous cannabis samples submitted for testing shall not be used as a legal precursor for prosecution of individuals submitting samples for testing.

Cannabis producers shall make a good faith effort to adhere to best practices in organic growing methods using controlled environment systems.

A South Dakota resident age 21 years or older may legally possess 64 ounces of cannabis flower, whether growing or harvested.

Possession or consumption of cannabis shall not degrade individual rights codified in the US Constitution.

Nothing in this enclosure diminishes the rights of law enforcement to prosecute individuals for driving dangerously.

About Cannabis Consumers for Liberty (CC4L)

Purpose: Legalize Cannabis in SD

Primary Interest of Committee: Free Cannabis from prohibition and restore this useful natural resource.

Join us in addressing the cannabis issue in my home state of South Dakota, educating people about the facts of cannabis, and in creating a great local economy for cannabis.

CC4L has written, collected signatures for, supported and voted for many ballot issues regarding cannabis.

If you would like to know more about cannabis please contact us. If you are a South Dakota resident, please contact us to volunteer on our information team: CC4L@plainstribune.com

Cannabis Consumers for Liberty is an offical committee of the State of South Dakota.