The Silent Weapons of Holy Wars
Modern religious communities relentlessly jockey for control of the latest mind control technology.

Dave Mustaine came out as a Born Again Christian on the cusp of a purported full recovery from addiction. As people age, the drugs and booze hits harder, and some naturally drift away from that pain. Some rare party animals drift toward pain killers to detach from the consequences of old age and the hangovers that come with it.
A musical genius in his own right, Mustaine was the original lead guitarist for Metallica before splintering off to form his own heavy metal sect called Megadeth.
Yet, Mustaine is more than just a rock star. He is a contemporary philosopher king whose empathy for the pain of humanity overwhelms him, flowing into the poetry of his songs with the force of a big ocean wave.
For what it's worth, tucked away within the lyrics of both Metallica and Megadeth are deeply inspiring sociopolitical messages confronting issues left unaddressed by the world's political class. I submit the following Megadeth lyrics for your consideration.
From "Foreclosure of a Dream", a song advocating for America's farmers:
Barren land that once filled a need
Are worthless now, dead without a deed
Slipping away from an iron grip
Nature's scales are forced to tip
Foreclosure of a dream
Those visions never seen
Until all is lost, personal holocaust
Foreclosure of a dream
From "Holy Wars, the Punishment Due", a song about the role of religion in the world's wars:
Brother will kill brother, spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion, something I don't understand
Fools like me who cross the sea and come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep for their beliefs, "Do you kill on God's command?"
A country that's divided, surely will not stand
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away.
Social conflicts wage across America as the "culture wars" avoid the comprehension of most, but understanding and awakening is on the rise. The ignorance is by design, because a system of conflict we understand can be repaired, and peace achieved and .. where is the profit in peace?
Unlikely leadership from people like Dave Mustaine surprises the uninitiated, but his long-time followers remain unsurprised. For them, in between head bangs, they simply see their prophet at work. Heavy metal enthusiasts are a fantastically unlikely leadership class, but here we are. The lessons slipped in amid the mosh pits and skull adorned concert t-shirts, a poignant demonstration of how much there is to learn outside the classroom.
The war is on to define our shared language, to quantify our innate human value, and for our very thoughts. For some, the present situation is too close to the science fiction of the 1970's - they get scared and dip-out because to them it is just not believable. It is true, and like an ostrich, the refuse-to-believers thrust their heads into the sand to avoid confronting something so complex. They avoid doing the thought-work.
Most have been trained to perform manual jobs, to think less on purpose. They feel violated when asked to think deeply and do the work required to live a fulfilling intellectual life. The prospect of thinking through something so complex takes a back seat to the convenient and accessible emotional engagement of things like sports fanaticism and sportsman-related-hunting (not for food) where there is a defined beginning, end, winner, and loser.
It's the "bread and circus" model of management proven so effective in ancient Rome and other monolithic societies of the past. At scale, a dumbed-down peoples is easier to manage through planned societal collapse and rebirth, but historically the overall quality of life tends to decrease within late stage empires and their managed declines.
For those of us like Dave Mustaine who shoulder the burden of confronting deeply troubling philosophical questions, the evidence is all around us, but putting it into an understandable order is an ongoing task. Some of the evidence is tangential and unimportant. Other evidence, like this from Forbes, is central to understanding.
Upon review of this article it really hits us in the mouth. According to the article, radio frequency energy can read a person's emotional states, giving insight into a person's thoughts:
"The EQ-Radio is composed of three elements. An RF radio emits low-frequency radio waves and captures their reflections from objects in the environment. An algorithm operates on the captured waves, separating heartbeat and respiration information, and measuring the interval between heartbeats. Finally, the heartbeat and respiration information is fed into a machine-learning classifier that maps it onto emotional states."
It is common knowledge that what we see in public is decades behind what exists in the deeply secretive private research facilities around the world. Ask yourself, "do computer monitors have the ability to emit these low frequency waves and detect emotional states to determine the effect of what is being displayed on the screen?"
If I were in Deadwood and this was a betting issue, I'd be running to hawk the title to my motorcycle. Odds are, this feature has been at play since the "smart phone" first installed the FaceBook App - maybe even before that with the introduction of the television into the home. Is it also possible that the passive FM/AM radio receiver is also a two-way transmitter? Certainly. A truly dumb idea, "smart appliances" were rolled out to the public by the same unidentified private sector research goons that brought us fructose, MRNA, and Red Die #4. We just accepted it, but in fairness we were also not fully informed.
Allow me to try to hand-paint a shadow of this enormously complex issue in a sentence or two before diving into the belly of this beast. My hope is that you might be prepared to act for humanity when the time comes.
Americans who write letters like envelopes for privacy. Those are our thoughts, dreams, wishes, and love languages. They are nobody's business! Sending your mail through a smart phone is like yelling your private messages to the recipient in the middle of a crowded room of people trying to steal everything you own and everything you might be entitled to in the future.
It is largely unknown who is in charge of these systems, which are actually futuristic weapons. Some possibilities are that secret societies, tech bros, foreign governments like China, leaders of church communities, and law enforcement care and feed for these unconstitutional systems.
We are a nation of laws. We have punishments for violations of the law. This implies that people make choices to break the laws, and are deserving of punishment. Even our great former Governor Noem is fond of the "personal responsibility" refrain. So, if we have systems that can read minds, do we also have systems that can control minds? If a person is under mind control, is that person still personally responsible for breaking the law?
What happens to a person's agency, their personal responsibility, and any possible punishment for breaking the law when techniques are employed against them to steal away their agency, their choice, and ownership claims to personal responsibility?
This also begs the question, if a person is indoctrinated using traditional methods without the freedom to self-evaluate the efficacy of their thoughts, how is that morally different than direct mind control? When a child is indoctrinated into a particular religion, has that child really made any choices to which they can be held to account?
In response, I am inclined to think that large agencies can't move fast enough to take all our minds, so traditional methods of cultish indoctrination are preferable to what's coming. Not allowing wireless mind control to overtake our minds is like a firewall, a barrier. It slows down the encroachment to give the masses time to move out of the way.
This brilliant article from the Tampa Bay Times from November of 2023 describes the capabilities of mind control, referred to as "neuro-strike weapons".
Neuro-strike weapons can be thought of as a machine gun shooting free will elimination rounds. They are an agency annihilator. From the article, "Weapons that can change people's brains or thoughts might seem like science fiction. But we found that scientists believe such weapons are not only technologically plausible, but also something that China — and possibly the U.S. - is pursuing. Some say the technology could become reality within a decade."
The article goes on to claim, "The U.S. government is aware of brain weapon development and in 2021 sanctioned 11 Chinese research entities for using biotechnology processes to support the Chinese military, including 'purported brain-control weaponry,' according to a notice in the Federal Register, where the government prints official notices."
Psychopaths have been working on this for a long time, and they are a lot farther along than you think. Are you all stocked-up on tin-foil?
It's not a new capability, but what we're seeing now is a significant refinement of past practices. It is more direct, more efficient, and much faster.
Like the exploding pager, neuro-strike weapons have proven to be an irresistible temptation for the world's priest class.
Let's look at one aspect of wireless mind control that might give you an "aha!" moment. Think about how FM radio waves carry words from one place to another. The words that are selected can have profound effects on a person's behavior. On October 30, 1938, a fictional story called "The War of the Worlds" was broadcast over the radio in the United States wherein a fictional alien invasion of New Jersey was dramatized. It created mass hysteria across the nation. In a very real sense, words on the radio controlled the minds of people, which resulted in direct incontrovertible changes in their thoughts and actions. This is an example of wireless mind control, so it's not a new thing.
The science of Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) takes mind control another level level, indoctrinating the listener into various behaviors ranging from which dog food to buy, to which colors of people to date. However, it is possible to create linguistic psychological defenses against NLP. NLP still must go through the ears and the brain's discernment before allowed to changed neurology in the manner intended by its designers.
The sycophants and the psychopaths they worship, however, constantly seek not freedom and the actualization of human potential, but rather they seek the creation of a plebeian class of breeding and slave stock to satisfy their own brains need for dopamine and to create genetic domination in future generations. It's an age old story in the animal kingdom playing-out in a modern human context. In the present day, this class of humanity uses fiat money to develop technology to those ends, and it's been deployed on nearly every street in America. With the advent of the Internet, control of these devices is accessible from anywhere on the planet, opening up a whole new inventory of means why which these ruthless cognitive invaders thoughtlessly torture humanity using technology that bypasses our senses, skirts our discernment, and steals our agency. These mind control practices undermine the bedrock of law enforcement by stealing personal responsibility.
It gets worse. They used your tax dollars to pay for it while hiring foreign labor to build it.
What are Americans left to do? Even if the good guys have this technology now, who will have it in the future?
Religious sects around the globe thirst for efficient ways to indoctrinate new followers into the tithe. Protestants fight the Catholics, Muslims fight the Jews, and Atheists fight willful ignorance and war. The leaders of these various organizations seek to turn their people against the people of the other organizations to maintain cash flows, production, food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and generalized tribal control and generational stability.
It is difficult to survey this technology without wondering, "what could I accomplish as dictator for a day?"
But as each group is racing to gain control of this maturing mind control technology, what is the big picture?
Consider the following. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning give scalability to mind control devices since they are able to read thoughts and push commands to the entire population in real time. Have more population? Just add more servers.
But what "commands" will be pushed? Who has the keys now? Who will have them in the future? Educational groups are vying for control of Department of Education curriculum. Imagine a world where, through the attendance of school, wireless technology is used to input educational curriculum into the minds of your children artificially.
What happens when the curriculum is changed? Will teachers be present to help mitigate this down side and police the content? Will teachers have any control whatsoever? How about parents? Will parents simply turn over their children to this system and pro grammatically move-on to other amorphous requests of the power structure? On this model, what is the moral underpinning behind the enforcement of our laws? Who is responsible for personal responsibility?
Most important, as a result of using these techniques around chilren, we are likely causing irreversible cellular stress and genetic damage. Seen our research about the dangers of wireless technology. What harm could befall anyone subjected to wireless mind control?
When these types of weapons become commodities for purchase by the general public, mass deployment will balloon the risks. In the long term, confidence is low that humanity will use this technology responsibly once it is widely available to a population devoid of the value of personal responsibility. "You made me this way!" will be a common refrain of the accused.
One week a kid is a Protestant, the next week a Catholic, the next week a Muslim, the next week a Jew, and so on. Consider the Frankenstein-ian cognitive scaffolding created from this devilish technology that will invariably surgically cut-out parental love from the educational process, creating mindless wretches judged on aesthetic beauty as qualification for breeding stock for whomever wrangles control of the technology in our time because that will be all that is left of us, minds mangled, bodies intact for breeding.
The neurology will eventually fry-out. What then? Protein cricket food? Soylent Green?
Our leadership is creating this world as we have allowed. Despite the challenge of bringing these questions to the forefront, if we choose to disengage from these issues, we do so at our own peril because psychopaths double, triple, quadruple down. They never give-up. They never surrender. They are not personally responsible.
If we don't do something, next thing you know, they'll take our thoughts away.